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UBI Tools and Plugins

There are several tools and plugins available to support UBI data capture and analysis.

Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion Blueprint

The Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion UBI blueprint is a pre-defined configuration that allows for creating an OpenSearch Ingestion pipeline that ingests UBI queries and events.

The blueprint creates a pipeline that facilitates receiving and storing UBI queries and events. The blueprint creates:

  • An S3 sink for UBI queries and events.
  • An OpenSearch sink for UBI queries and events.

UBI queries and events that are received via an HTTP source are routed to one of the above sinks based on the value of the type value in the received JSON. For example, the script below sends a UBI event to the pipeline:

Sending Queries and Events to the Pipeline

The example commands below uses awscurl from the awscurl open source project.

The following command illustrates how to send a UBI event to the pipeline:

awscurl \
    --service osis \
    --region ${AWS_REGION} \
    --profile ${AWS_PROFILE} \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '[{"type": "event", "action_name": "click", "query_id": "99999999-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff", "event_attributes": {"position": {"ordinal": 1}, "object": {"object_id": "1234", "object_id_field": "ean", "user_id": "abc"}}}]' \

And the similar command below sends a UBI query to the pipeline:

awscurl \
    --service osis \
    --region ${AWS_REGION} \
    --profile ${AWS_PROFILE} \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '[{"type": "query", "user_query": "computer", "query_id": "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff"}]' \

Note the type property in the body of each request. The type property is used by the pipeline to route the request to either a query or event sink.

After this query and event are sent, they will be delivered to the appropriate sink and viewable in the Amazon S3 bucket and in the Amazon OpenSearch index.

Viewing the UBI Events and Queries

Once UBI queries and events are sent to the pipeline and received, the pipeline will store the queries and events in an S3 bucket and in an OpenSearch index. The example command below illustrates how to search the ubi_events index to view the indexed UBI events.

awscurl \
    "https://${OPENSEARCH_ENDPOINT}/ubi_events/_search" \
    -X GET \
    --region ${AWS_REGION} \
    --service es \
    --profile ${AWS_PROFILE}

Indexed queries can be viewed by changing the ubi_events index to the ubi_queries index.

UBI Plugin for OpenSearch

The OpenSearch UBI plugin facilitates persisting client-side events (e.g. item clicks, scroll depth) and OpenSearch queries for the purpose of analyzing the data to improve search relevance and user experience. The concepts of UBI and this plugin project was originally proposed in the OpenSearch UBI RFC.

Note that the UBI plugin is not required to use UBI. You can use any method of persisting queries and events into OpenSearch. The UBI JavaScript Collector is an example.

To use the plugin, first download the release appropriate for your version of OpenSearch. Next, install the plugin, substituting the version you downloaded with the 2.14.0 in the command below.

bin/opensearch-plugin install file:/

With the plugin installed, you can now capture OpenSearch queries:

curl -s http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/_search -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d'
  "ext": {
   "ubi": {
   "query": {
     "match": {
       "name": "toner"

And you can send client-side events to OpenSearch:

curl -s http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/_search -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d'
  "ext": {
   "ubi": {
   "query": {
     "match": {
       "name": "toner"

To see these events, check the ubi_queries and ubi_events indexes:

curl http://localhost:9200/ubi_queries/_search
curl http://localhost:9200/ubi_events/_search

UBI Plugin for Elasticsearch

The Elasticsearch UBI Plugin is a fork of the OpenSearch UBI plugin. This plugin provides similar core functionality but other functionality will differ.

Note that the UBI plugin is not required to use UBI. You can use any method of persisting queries and events into Elasticsearch. The UBI JavaScript Collector is an example.

To use the plugin, first download the release appropriate for your version of Elasticsearch. Next, install the plugin:

bin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:/

With the plugin installed, you can now capture OpenSearch queries:

curl -s http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/_search -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d'
  "ext": {
   "ubi": {
   "query": {
     "match": {
       "name": "toner"

And you can send client-side events to OpenSearch:

curl -s http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/_search -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d'
  "ext": {
   "ubi": {
   "query": {
     "match": {
       "name": "toner"

To see these events, check the ubi_queries and ubi_events indexes:

curl http://localhost:9200/ubi_queries/_search
curl http://localhost:9200/ubi_events/_search